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Sexual Integrity Combination Essence can help you to break old patterns and learn how to channel sexual energy in nurturing ways.


It can help with low sex drive and can encourage more initiative in sexual relationships. It can also be beneficial to anyone who is self-conscious allowing you to feel more comfortable in your body and be more open to physical tenderness and love.


Sexual Integrity can also help to heal the past in order that you feel safe and strong to be open to love and intimacy.


Sexual Integrity Combination Essence contains the energetic vibrations of Balsam, Daisy, Globethistle, Holy Thorn, Elf Cup Lichen, Rowan and Scottish Primrose to encourage self-love and enable you to be more expressive and open.


It is effective in supporting the sacral chakra.



This is for oral consumption.

This is not to be used externally on the body or skin.


SEXUAL INTEGRITY - Flower Essence Drops

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